Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 26th, 2013

@rem And that’s just the bloody seagulls.

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Not a bad day. 7K jog and a beer festival. Now an earlyish night to make sure I’m awake for tomorrow’s bike maintenance course.

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@stillawake @guriben Yeah, the biscuits taste pretty good, too. Hit me again, Ben.

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From the @GrainBarge, earlier. One of the nicer views of the beer festivals I’ve been to.

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Drinking on t’@GrainBarge with @andybeebristol. Lots of good beers here. And a man on the decks playing spaghetti western music. ;)

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.@libbymiller They say they’re only allowed to do round trips so far; can’t just pick random people up at the stages. It’s a start!

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Heading for @GrainBarge. Going slightly long way round in hopes of spotting a particular ferry company’s boats working…

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Right. Shower. Lunch. Beer.

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That thing where you don’t turn around at the halfway point on your jog, because it might look like you’re following someone.

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Simple pleasures. Using cute birthday key ring for my jogging keys.

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@chocablog Apparently if you leave a chocolate bar underneath them it makes it taste sharper.

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Think I might go for a jog. And then to a beer festival. Probably best that way around, I think.

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Harkaway I’m no biologist, but if the mushrooms are ‘fauna’, I’d say the radiation was a serious effing problem.… (@Independent)

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Anyway. Yes, morning pages are generally best done in the morning, right? *gets on it*

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@Jorence @Ninja_lynneja It’s good fun. If you want something deeper, try _Boxing Day_ or _The Master_, if they’re still on where you are.

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@Jorence @stillawake @emmafurious @HartsBakery On the plus side, Ten Ton José is an excellent nom de guerre.

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@Ninja_lynneja I enjoyed _Safety Not Guaranteed_, if that’s one of your options.

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