Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 28th, 2008

(Finally, putting all my transactions into iBank for analysis starts paying off :) )

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Hmm. So, spent £328 with Amazon last year. So, if post & packing was more than about 15% of that, Amazon Prime should definitely be worth it

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@spamvictim Go on, it’ll only take a mo to set up. Plus, last time I ranted on a blog, I got a response from the rantee in under 5 minutes!

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@johnfbraun OOC, why SuSE? I ran it for years, but I really felt like I was in a minority. Then it got a bit too enterprise-y for me.

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The OS X Dashboard: useful widgets right at your fingertips. Assuming your fingers take 30 seconds to start up when you use them, that is.

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Reading latest adventures of elderly detectives Bryant and May solving crimes from their Mornington Crescent HQ :)

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I have news for you, lady. Pushing a bike down the pavement while smoking does not count as aerobic exercise.

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