Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 21st, 2008

@Phooto If it’s standard minicom, try running (as root) “minicom -s” to do the initial setup (“man minicom” should give you options, too.)

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I’ve seen two kernel panics in about 12 months. One just after a short-lived OS update. All platforms vastly better these days, at least

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@johnfbraun Front panel? Wusses. All I use is a small magnet and a good sense of timing.

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Wonder if MobileMe will display my address book before the sun becomes a cold lump of charcoal? May be quicker to walk home and use the Mac.

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Address format wrong in MobileMe. So, my choices are: United States, France, Germany, or Japan. Guess most of my friends will have to move.

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Don’t worry, recent followers (excluding all those spammy webcocks I just blocked, anyway…) I don’t whine about MobileMe _all_ the time…

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@talkie_tim bearing in mind my sleep patterns recently, I don’t guarantee to be in the same timezone even if I’m in the same city :-)

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@Phooto erm, apart from typing “minicom”?

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Owowowow. Kernel panic on the Mac. Was stressing it to the end of its tether, then a video chat request came in. Bang.

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@Phooto Oh, and PS: the 1980s called, and they want their technology back.

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@Phooto That would make sense — Unix numbers from zero, so you’ll probably have ttyS0, ttyS1 and ttyS2 if you have three serial ports.

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@Phooto Hey, if you didn’t know Windows and had to manually configure COM3 port and run an elderly terminal emulator under Vista…

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Walking over Pero’s bridge, saxophonist busking ‘Summertime’, hot air balloon hanging in the sky. Awesome.

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Anyone got a good template “model release” form, for use in the UK?

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Playing with tonight’s gorgeous clouds in Lightroom

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