AvonFireRescue The A4018 (Cribbs Causeway Road) is closed to ALL traffic in BOTH directions between Clifton Rugby Club & Lysander Road. All Bus services are being diverted. This closure will remain in place for some time. Please avoid the area.
MartinSLewis I sued Facebook for defamation over scam ads & settled in return for 2 things that LAUNCH TODAY
-1on1 scam help at new Citizens Advice Scam Action (paid for by Facebook £3m)
-New Facebook scam ad report tool & dedicated team (unique to UK).
Full info moneysavingexpert.com/news/2019/07/m… RT
@ahnlak You think that’s bad? I tried to go to the Next site and I just got a 403 error saying I was too tubby to shop there.
@5by5 @danbenjamin …eventually the teensy scratches built up to a point where I just suddenly noticed them one day, and then I had to get new lenses because it was impossible to un-see. Been using any weird cameras/telescopes/anything else recently?
@5by5 @danbenjamin You know, I had exactly the same experience with teensy microscratches fogging an area of my glasses, and it was because I’d been using a vintage camera with no rubber around the viewfinder eyepiece every now and again for months…
@Dru_Marland I got my “hadn’t played for two years” guitar ready for sale six months ago, then thought, “gosh, this is a really nice guitar, why on earth would I sell it?” (No prizes for guessing how many times I’ve played it since then…)

_Barkle Found this while cycling to work yesterday in #BS9 #Bristol says ‘Bristol to Beijing’ on the front and has a lot of detailed writing inside about a proposed cycling trip. I think owner will be gutted they lost it, worth a share Bristol peeps? pic.twitter.com/BSkSIaUcxj