@jklundell @marcoarment Yes; I imagine a fair few past leaders weren’t the best at written communication, but were at least aware of this and not too proud to accept some help.

Which stupid JavaScript library is it that everyone’s using to suggest my correct email address is wrong, and that I’ve forgotten it somehow? (It ain’t just @thrivahealth that does this…) pic.twitter.com/tu0XsetRn9
There’s something pleasingly extra-self-righteous about the indignation generated by having to queue for a prescription behind hippies buying extortionate snake-oil from my enterprising apothecary.

MakingBlakes7 Fantastic photo of Paul Darrow and Gareth Thomas having a laugh on location for The Web. The pic has never been seen before and it’s too lovely to keep hidden away. #Blakes7 pic.twitter.com/IOfePrErUj