Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 10th, 2019

@RanLearns @soffes Odd. I’d assumed that it would work for the actual Enter key if it worked for fn+Return (which is how you simulate a real Enter key on my keyboard.) Not much I can do to help, I’m afraid: I don’t have any keyboards with a numeric keypad in the house!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to RanLearns

harrisonlowman Another often missed historical gem: the city archives. Formed in 1960 they now have 1.25 million photos dating back to 1856. Some of this stuff used to be stored in a leaky attic. The public is welcome inside. Right now @TorontoArchives has an exhibit on the suburbs.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:54 PM, Jul 10th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

@RanLearns @soffes (Properly, my selector should actually be called “enterPressed” there, I’m just fiddling with old code 😀)

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@RanLearns @soffes That works for me if I use fn+Return on a “normal” wireless Magic keyboard, which lacks the numeric keypad. I think it kinda makes sense because the only place you can ever really press an “Enter” key properly is on the numeric keypad.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to RanLearns

@RanLearns @soffes I think it does actually need the numeric keypad flag, e.g. “UIKeyCommand(input: “\r”, modifierFlags: [.numericPad], action: (backspacePressed))”

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