Watching The Rules of Attraction. Not sure why. The soundtrack seems to be the sole redeeming feature.
@StateOfLinkedIn Second prize: two dinners.
@Si_Hart Being exactly as charitable, the Cray twins were misunderstood lovable rogues.
@hatsandbikes Ooh. Is that UK-localised or has it been adopted for the US English version?
MikeDrucker Twitter is fun because you get to be like, “Ducks are good” and someone in your mentions will go, “Um, I’m sorry but my brother is married to a duck scientist and this is a harmful view” and then someone else pops up going, “Your silence about horses is extremely telling”
kottke Watching people trip on a subway step that’s juuust a little taller than the rest is kind of mesmerizing.…
@christianrt Deep, controlled breaths, hug the left wall, and don’t drink from any of the water spigots. Wednesdays it’s LSD.
@Shonette Tip: if you reach a dead end and someone in a white coat offers you a pellet of food, DON’T TAKE IT.

So, episode 2, my nemesis, we meet again…
Day 637 of the Temple Circus roadworks. In today’s plan to troll the city at an even higher level, the pedestrian walkways have been set out in the exact pattern of Hampton Court maze. How many will find their way to Temple Meads today?
indiaknight That’s a short story in cake form.…
GreatDismal Cayce makes the list. Now there’s an odd feeling, however minor!…