@amahnke @davidcaolo I’ll pop that on my mental “to-do” list and write it down tomorrow.
@jeffrock Indeed. The places I go have loyalty, not loyalty cards.
@sla_shalafi No problem. I’ve been a SQL developer for 20+ years, so it’s probably a little more obvious to me :D
@sla_shalafi Cool :)
@sla_shalafi SQLite, even.
@sla_shalafi Worth a try. Type of a column is more a hint with MySQL, as it uses dynamic typing.
@sla_shalafi Good luck :D
@sla_shalafi SQLite? It has an out-of-the-ordinary approach to types that could certainly cause that.
@sla_shalafi I’ve got that working fine here; is the value absolutely definitely stored in an integer column in the database?
@sla_shalafi Gotcha. Are you writing the Content Provider, or is it someone else’s?
@sla_shalafi “OrderBy”?
@evilrobotbill @D_Hollingsworth @Andydrewz Incidentally, I just raised a dispute with PayPal on this one and got a very quick refund.
Okay, that’s a sizeable pebble. The Thunder Stone futilitycloset.com/2014/11/06/the…
TechnicallyRon new John Lewis ad:
*ukelele version of smack my bitch up*
David Cameron shoots a badger
*turn to camera*
You can’t afford Christmas
@libbymiller Roll with it. Can you get a singalong started?

@themetrust Damn it, I’m just trying to read a help page. (How about a “close” box, at least?) pic.twitter.com/WMYHPUPK0b