@johnfbraun Somewhere around 4-5000dpi. Ektar is particularly fine-grained, so maybe more. Bit depth better, too :)
@Bristolvor If it carries on south of North Street, then yes :)
It’s when you look at prints from elderly film cameras that you realise digital is still lurching towards the target of what-used-to-be.
@GreenRobTelford !?
@BristolFerry A light touch from Neville. Shot on good old-fashioned film :D flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…

Snappity: Bedminster Light #bristol flic.kr/p/pWbTcY pic.twitter.com/E99MBrYJpN
@Swishrelic Tip, even. #iwillsaythisonlyonce

Not bad for a 60-year-old camera. Thanks to @Swishrelic for the top to try Ektar film. #bristol pic.twitter.com/6du1i70B7F

One thing you get with old-school film that you don’t see with digital is such awesome artefacts from cock-ups :D pic.twitter.com/ESrf1moELr
@EffBeeee Sometimes in the same meal!
Rain Barge. instagram.com/p/vGteg7pC58/
Siri interrupted a game last night as it misheard “Mr. Reece” as “Hey Siri”. Wonder how many DVDs I’d accidentally order with Amazon Echo…

On the Grainbarge. Guess the floating harbour in general would be good for wardriving. Or warsailing… pic.twitter.com/PHaNnzqBOm
Today is clearly my day for bumping into people. @hayles @rabidbee. @hayles didn’t even have to shout at me to wake me from a reverie.
@boagworld Very small? Netsuke?
@corylus Just wait a month or so. It’ll turn out it causes cancer and the extinction of the rare and beautiful Coconut Hummingbird.

FioraAeterna highly compressed data pic.twitter.com/hcl67ir80x
Bacon. instagram.com/p/vGd7SgpCwU/
Checking the latest Lordomat haul at the Watershed. Colour film wasn’t widespread when the camera was..instagram.com/p/vGVpiypC3a/QR