Diving through unrated photos in my Lightroom catalogue. Workstation: pic.twitter.com/LQ1tmuxLpv
@Bufty_Grifter PS: Were you as impressed as I was with the way the logo was also the cooling air intake?
@Bufty_Grifter I nerded in almost exactly the same way recently. Enjoy!
@mrbrettkelly You’ll have to speak up; we can’t hear you over the fireworks. :D
@waiyeehong Oooh, get you. Bit of a Damascus look going on there…
@emmafurious :D Vintage cheddar from Southville Deli. Not sure which farm.
@waiyeehong …but this little mishap might give me an excuse to buy MOAR KNIVES. Think it’s time for a new block.
@waiyeehong Dunno. Never tried, mostly because my only serrated knives are big ones…
@waiyeehong No, it’s sharp. Most of my knives are sharp. Especially when I have this many tomatoes in the house.
@waiyeehong It’s done good service, to be fair. One from a block I inherited from my grandma when she died back in the 1990s.

The pen is mightier than the sword. Also, apparently, the cheese is mightier than the knife. Damn. pic.twitter.com/nFoBeAtA8k
Compuwave #Bristol instagram.com/p/vBZJ7epC0x/

Well, there’s a shop that clearly knows what they’re doing. #bristol pic.twitter.com/C9maCzg2SF
@hayles HELPFUL
@guriben They’re all fucking annoying, though. Nobody’s made an OS I haven’t grown to hate in several ways.
Why does ultra-high-tech device design always assume you’ll have a paperclip lying around to reset the things? #paperless #paperclipless
@ratsass I’ve heard good things about Kamuren’s in St. Nick’s, but not tried them personally.
Getting together a Greek salad using odd-looking but tasty brown tomatoes from my farmer friends. instagram.com/p/vBGNR0JC9D/
Getting together a Greek salad using odd-looking but tasty brown tomatoes from my farmer friends. instagram.com/p/vBGIuypC81/
Mmm. Olives. The Malteasers of the vegetable world.
bertpalmer @gothick that’s the worst euphemism I ever heard
I just dusted my aspidistra.
Blog post idea: Ten boring household chores you can get done while waiting for OS X App Store’s “Update All” button to appear.
If this Mac didn’t take ten minutes to reboot, I’d never find the time to trim my toenails. #smallmercies #tmi