Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 12th, 2014

So, yeah, that parcel. Just a couple of camera bits & bobs from m’Dad.

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Nah, mate, bit of a scrub-up, lick of paint, they’ll be mint.

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@lukeredpath Cool. I’ve seen that with different apps, occasionally, from iOS 7 on, so may not be their fault.

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xor Unlike NASA probes, this comet lander has 5 weeks vacation every year and full healthcare coverage

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 5:32 PM, Nov 12th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@lukeredpath Turn your phone off and on again (seriously, I’m sad to say.)

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DrPizza Microsoft open sources .NET, takes it to Linux and OS X

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@benjohnbarnes And, possibly, knocking it down and reinstating the lovely Georgian terraces. Sigh.

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Bonus! Looks like I fixed the light leak in the Praktica. @ No.1 Harbourside

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25 minutes early for the ferry. Or, as I call it when I’m near @No1Harbourside, a pint early. :D

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Well, if *anything* can improve the looks of the Cumberland Basin

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Hurrah! Parcel has finally turned up. Now to dash out for a walk before the light disappears.

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@_SteveWilson_ @tdobson They use many nefarious methods. This will only defend against one of them, it’s true.

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@StrayTaoist @ESA_Rosetta Now there’s a Martin Amis hero name if ever I heard one: Ernest Sweater.

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@preppeller I would never have noticed that unless you’d told me.

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12 November. I should have written 20,000 words of my novel about growing a moustache so far, right?

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@charlesarthur @Glinner Who’d have thought that just quietly rolling out a really excellent product would have been the way to succeed?

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*Thought, even.

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Oh. Warren Clarke. Damn. Really brought Dalziel to life, I though.

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@warriorgrrl *Cries* *Looks forlornly out of the window* *Continues waiting for a delivery*

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