@TaraBusch Oooh, yes, re-watched that last year. Brought back scary memories from when I watched it when I was probably a bit too young.
@ahnlak Think they’re owned by Dell.
@ahnlak Alienware have 12% off this weekend..? :D
@ahnlak This is another reason I’m generally happy to just buy pre-built stuff these days. I had time for that shit in my twenties.
@ahnlak Renting appeals more with Macs because they’re harder to upgrade yourself, sadly.
@ahnlak Would they ever have to know?
@ahnlak I’m going to look into renting my Macs; might be better to just pay monthly and get them replaced every couple of years.
@cabalgata …this one at least gave me a chance to make sure I didn’t have a great need for a tablet anywya.
@cabalgata Well, if I actually had more use for a tablet, I’d probably buy a better one…
@ahnlak I take it this is going to be one of those ones where replacing the motherboard means replacing almost everything?
@ahnlak Also: When the hell is your motherboard from? This Mac’s from 2008 and I’m not even sure it’s maxed out.
@ahnlak I have 16 in here and it feels very roomy.
@ahnlak Only if your main machine is a phone.
Patorama Am I ready to love again? I don’t know Star Wars trailer, I’ve been hurt in the past. Let’s keep things casual for now.
@cabalgata Went okay second time :) Been significantly more responsive, without any developer tweaks. Still quite laggy, though.
Door-to-door Christmas card seller. About a month too early for me.
Potting. instagram.com/p/v8qEiTpCxo/
As you do. #Bristol instagram.com/p/v8nBxMJCwE/
@GreatDismal Enjoying Lowbeer’s unending annoyance at “it is what it is.” :)
@ChinaShopBull BUT BUT ALL MY PLANS* ARE RUINED AND MY SHRUB IS STILL IN PLASTIC. *All my plans for the next ten minutes, anyway.
Damn it. Went to pot something, and I’m out of compost.
@guriben (This is for my stones/pounds/kilos converter, which has mostly UK/Eire customer base, and I’m guessing older customers/hardware.)
@guriben Cool, ta. In that case I’ll carry on supporting it.
@guriben Cool, ta. UK perfect. Basically want to know how much I’ll miss if I move app to iPhone 5 and upwards only.
Anyone got a pointer to some stats on how many iPhone 4 and earlier devices are still being used? Ta.
(Also: apparently I really like The Smiths, as long as Morrissey isn’t actually singing.)
Finding this a damn fine playlist for working to. ♫ Indie Instrumentals Spotify spoti.fi/1ni2YK6 #NowPlaying
@chrisphin I’m fine with immigration, but I do want to keep quaint old British cultural traditions like “not rioting in chain stores” alive.
@BaristasBristol *Waves at Kate*