Ihnatko “It’s terrific promotion,” the media director said. “Our brand, right next to Twitter’s most talked-about topics…” pic.twitter.com/gfWG9IsrEy
@mckelvaney @sstarr Oddly, I’ve gone the other way around!
@sstarr @mckelvaney (Some low-res examples of their scans here: gothick.org.uk/2014/11/07/ret… )
@sstarr @mckelvaney Yup. Photographique, Clare Street. Know what they’re doing. Offer 1hr service for extra £1, even for 120 film.
@EffBeeee Ah well. Another decluttering photography tip, though: it can be easier to part with something if you take a snap of it first.

Digging back into my old photos. Nestling in the bay in the middle there is @Bunnahabhain distillery… #islay pic.twitter.com/5nZAKWDrUm
servicejunkie Apple’s first major typeface in 20 years now available for public consumption. Article by @DrCrypt bit.ly/AppleSanFranci… #typography #font
@technicalfault *Gets cleavage out* *Clickthrough numbers mysteriously fall*
@johnfbraun Funnily enough…
@ahnlak @Kavey I added one of Google’s DNS servers to the end of my list and things seem to have improved.
@laurarawlings @NeilJamesB Yes indeedy. Took a very similar photo myself earlier on, but on 120 film, so it’ll be a while before I see mine!
@Kavey You using OpenDNS? Might just be a problem with them…
Um. Odd. My DNS is resolving many things, but not google.com. *Starts poking things with a stick*
@emma_cossey I’ve stayed in the Glasgow one. Enjoyed controlling light colours from TV remote.
@EffBeeee Sounds about right. (Incidentally, did you take “before” photos? Wish I’d done that before my decluttering this year.)
@EffBeeee Decluttering is always horrible in the middle. The only way out is through.

I’ve been enjoying the tip jar-voting in Baristas recently #bristol cafesigns.tumblr.com/post/103038838… pic.twitter.com/lZopWEb0gd

ronniejoice Headline of the year. pic.twitter.com/nKpLRUiI8M
TwitterEng We’re rolling out the ability to search for every Tweet ever published. Learn about how we built this blog.twitter.com/2014/building-… #TwitterSearch