@youmakemeswoon They sell pizza dough!?
@shezza_t Roasties appear to be viral.
I blame the roast tatties on @SpikyZebra’s earlier post. instagram.com/p/vMIYEFJCz8/
@_pigeons_ @Bingo_Little Happily not.
@_pigeons_ @Bingo_Little Plus side to having a rubbish memory: just discovered unexpected custard tart in rucksack :)

Organising: the perfect Sunday afternoon job. pic.twitter.com/3hELz2HxKf
@mnowster *applause*

St Nicholas Fabric. #film pic.twitter.com/So4pbiitwr
Hrm. It appears #flickr currently has the hiccups, though it’s not actually telling me that explicitly.
@PTdavelewis Excellent day for it, too. Love that towpath.
@anna_debenham Careful. It doesn’t take many generations to build them up to human size, and then they start hogging the sofa.
@DigitalJonathan Sadly, I don’t think you’ll find a cross-platform note app with *great* UI. It’s “the one you dislike least”, I’d say.
@DigitalJonathan Isn’t OneNote Just Plain Free? Though maybe that should make me suspicious.
@DigitalJonathan Definitely the way to go. And at least both are free to try…
@DigitalJonathan Maybe. Both quite powerful, though, so people bend them to their will in different ways. (I don’t really do mail on iOS.)
@DigitalJonathan However, they both work fine across many platforms, including OS X, iOS and Windows, so no worries on the tech side.
@DigitalJonathan (So, in answer to your question, no, I probably can’t explain in 140 characters :D )
@DigitalJonathan I use Evernote like I’d use a filing cabinet; OneNote like I’d use a notepad.
@DigitalJonathan Erm. OneNote is more wiki-like; for me it has more structure…
@DigitalJonathan Depends on how you like to organise, I’d say. I use both, for different things.
@rem That doesn’t happen to be Safari with the Evernote Clipper extension, does it? Only I found that combination actually caused that…
mrdaveturner “Your password must contain at least 8 characters, a story arc, subtext and pass the Bechdel Test.”