@_pigeons_ @WTF4Photography You should check out the ladies’ if you visit anyway :)
@thebuffington If I’d had to spend that much time mulling it over, I’d have gone for something that sounded more natural.
@thebuffington I’m reasonably familiar with the subjunctive; I’m just not entirely convinced that that sentence has that mood… Ah well.
@thebuffington And does this count as a suggestion?
Yes, OS X, clearly I’m the kind of person who’s more likely to use “metope” in conversation than “meetup”.
That odd feeling when someone favourites a photo you took in 2006.
@corylus *Looks at phone* *Peers down nose suspiciously*
@maureenjohnson You missed a spot. Over there, behind Reddit. No, down a bit.
Nice design touch. If dragged over Area 51, Google Maps’ “Pegman” appears in a flying saucer. littlebigdetails.com/post/103203632…
(And yet still manages to sound wrong…)
store.apple.com/us —> “From one gift come many.” Does somebody want to explain why that’s grammatically correct?
All righty. instagram.com/p/vq_BcGJC3z/
@cabalgata *Tries to find “slap” button in Windows 8* *Gives up*

Just been to see @Bingo_Little’s art here on Park Row! Go pop in :) pic.twitter.com/y0zXbsJDAx
_pigeons_ If you’re in Bristol 10-6 today or tomorrow, and 11-4 Sunday, come to @Bingo_Little’s photography show! Details: flickr.com/photos/knautia…
@cabalgata I have 4GB free. I think the only thing that’ll fix this thing is buying a new one from a different manufacturer.
@cabalgata Well, here goes nothing. Currently rebooting. *crosses fingers*. Might just have to start saving up for a new tablet.
@C_J_Fox Not this time. Nexus 4 and 7 here were still saying “no update available” this morning.
@cabalgata You see, my Nexus 7 already *has* hideous, laggy performance just running KitKat… Seems common in 2012 7s…
@C_J_Fox I got bored waiting. Android rollouts can take weeks to get to everyone.
@guriben @libbymiller I was at Uni with their technical operations director, too :D
Patching. instagram.com/p/vqPHHNpC2U/
Sideloading Lollipop on my Nexus 7. I decided to be brave, as there’s not much you can do to make a 2012 Nexus 7 worse.
@seb_ly “Do these installations look more like (a) fighter hangars, (b) a friendly village, or (c) a fast-breeder reactor?” #futurecaptchas
@wood5y I’d rather just not read the Post, but I recognised the tree and I know John so I broke my usual rule!
@wood5y Oh, cool, is that John’s tree? I tried to read the article, but the advertising wouldn’t let me.
We’re experiencing an unusually high level of tweets at the moment. Your tweet is number 807 in the queue. Your tweet is important to us.
@Kavey I do, but not sure what’s going to be going on over the next month; still looking for a contract…
@_pigeons_ Sorry, prior engagement. When else is it on?