Rhalou Mum-of-five plans to set world record by running London Marathon in stilettos. I shit you not. runnersworld.co.uk/news/mum-of-fi…
@OpinionatedGeek Ah, yeah, that’s a good reason. Yes, only recently had the leasing idea—there’s a local Apple reseller who specialises.
@OpinionatedGeek (32GB of RAM should last a while, though. Are you bumping into limits? Only max out my 16GB when something goes wrong…)
@OpinionatedGeek What this probably means is that my company should *lease* my iMac from a firm that just trucks round a new one every year.
@OpinionatedGeek …which is the iMac problem. They didn’t start very upgradeable, and they’ve got worse and worse.
@OpinionatedGeek I care less about the display than non-upgradeable RAM, £60/hr labour charge for swapping disks out, etc. *sigh*
@OpinionatedGeek But I agree the Retina is shiny. Was eyeing one up a couple of weeks back.
@OpinionatedGeek I want the *old* Power Mac with new bits in it. :(
@OpinionatedGeek Two minds? (I mostly have one mind that wants a product Apple doesn’t sell :( )
Tip, even! @youmakemeswoon
Bought my first ball of @Marks_Bread pizza dough this morning. Thanks for the time, @youmakemeswoon :)
Distant Court. instagram.com/p/vyEgViJC0v/
So, apparently being five minutes into a meditation is still an excellent way to trigger those return phone calls you were waiting for.
LeighWoodsNT oooh the first frosts have arrived at Leigh Woods. It’s all looking very fresh and glistening in the #Bristol winter sun