And my award for best band name of the Fiesta goes to… pic.twitter.com/coseXJTyw9
theloop Beach Boys “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” performed live at Capitol Studios 2016 - loopu.in/2aQBA8S

vincentdignan Shaquille O’neal holding $78 billion in small bills pic.twitter.com/eZCzwZFpqF
@RedQueenCoder Narrrrrrr.

Big boys’ toys. pic.twitter.com/kqcJ7ra6A1

Rain Man. pic.twitter.com/Sw80TLu3CS
@drewm I’d answer your question, but when I type on my phone in the street I hold it under my chin like a tiny violin, so can’t write easily
@MarkTaylorFood *Grows bigger beard* *Buys tap shoes* *Dances into bar*
@MarkTaylorFood Oh ;) Cross-purposes; I didn’t know hipsters were into trucker caps, either!

Yeah. But windy. #bibf pic.twitter.com/9aXXTkFfZA
@MarkTaylorFood What’s a trucker tap? #unhip
Current status: listening to @yumhoneyblood because of whichever fine person at @WildBeerCo Whapping Wharf put their album on last night ;)
(So that’s one morning “todo”—clear up the mess from last night’s bolognese-making that I ignored by going to the pub!)

Second of the day. pic.twitter.com/gQqMNP3mKN
📷 Lovely work from Pizzarova. tmblr.co/ZD7hNx2AckXD7
@DrHairbear This sofa & crossword is feeling like a good decision. Going to try again tomorrow?
DrHairbear @gothick some tethering, winds up top are over 20knots apparently!
Nowt? :( twitter.com/DrHairbear/sta…
@hayles Lucky! My morning is sponsored by Alka Seltzer and TweetBot’s Dark Mode.
@DrHairbear I think they’ll get some up.
@hayles Am aware of that. Hangover disagrees somewhat. *Struggles to Aeropress*
Right. Too late for me to wander up to the field for mass ascent. Will go tomorrow or Sun. Awake, it seems, so… ☕️☕️
@hayles *Waves lazily from bed*

bristolballoon Launch field getting busy. Pilots briefing at 6am and we will know more about this mornings ascent chances then pic.twitter.com/EnAeq87h4L
@VoxPopple @porthjess @talithahg @liveindetail I am no balloon weather expert.
@liveindetail @talithahg @ToM_BaL @porthjess Think I might go tomorrow or Sunday, then.
@porthjess @talithahg @liveindetail Amen. Am moderately hungover, too. Might just go back to kip if it’s still windy.
@talithahg @liveindetail Mornin’. 🎈