Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 5th, 2016

DomUtton This, in the window of Short Cut Barbers in Brixham, literally never fails to make me laugh.

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Plastics factory, council housing office, programmer, programmer, programmer, technical team leader, programmer.…

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I understand the Yard are now interested.…

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And in today’s somewhat unexpected turn of Twitter

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Matt’s pet hates, #47637: People who use a “Σ” in place of an English “E” to advertise Greek things.

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@peroty It’s always good to have a spare letter, just in case one falls off (said Matt.)

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So obesity ages your brain by ten years, but reading extends your life. If anyone needs me, I’ll be reading Voltaire on a rowing machine.

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The only problem with the mute filter I’m considering is that given how the year’s going I may actually miss the last trump.

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@GreatDismal thanks to that juxtaposition, my new hipster bakery will be called Trowley and Crump.

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If you thought my Twitter was dull, you should see my Day One entries.

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