@lukeredpath Captain, I sense sarcasm.

I *knew* we’d forgotten something. #balloonfiesta pic.twitter.com/PHoiz4C2aK

A Minion! Ramming speed! #balloonfiesta #bristol pic.twitter.com/MUuAurSwXg

This guy’s at the end of his tether. #igersbristol #balloonfiesta instagram.com/p/BJD5yp1AcRX/

BLOONS coming your way #bristol! #BalloonFiesta pic.twitter.com/2fzZjGVFXo
@samsneed12 On their way!

Go for launch. #BalloonFiesta pic.twitter.com/wP1OWKLTUX

Anticipation. #igersbristol #balloonfiesta instagram.com/p/BJDozGlAY6p/

Norse. pic.twitter.com/B2lCd1ogqV
@Bristolvor Zen.

@Bristolvor Can’t think why. pic.twitter.com/HjAm2HuKoG
@RftS_Bristol Yeah, that tread’s a bit low and it looks under-inflated, too. 😀
So. One chance left for a morning mass ascent. My alarm’s gone off at 4:45 for two days in a row, now. Let’s hope third time’s the charm.
Oh Flickr, if you can’t reliably serve photos, then what is the *point* of you?
@samsneed12 @chubbybannister Flyover has Guy de Maupassant effect where the best place to be is inside it because then you can’t see it!
@samsneed12 I think you can just about see the roof of my house from there.

MoodyColin Mass ascent… Kind of. You can do it, use the programme, scissors and go go go! @bristolballoon @iBristolPeople pic.twitter.com/MMiiHVg6wp