Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 30th, 2016

Why yes, I *am* a child of the 1980s. Why do you ask?

via Twitter for iPhone

This is the Rocky Road at @AhhToots. And people wonder why I live in Bristol.

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That time of the night. @ Pump House, Bristol

via Instagram from Bristol, England

Sausage roll, Little India IPA, The Secret Agent’s Bedside Reader… @ Pump House, Bristol

via Instagram from Bristol, England

I *think* I can remember what film’s in it.

via Instagram

pattonoswalt I hope the SETI signal is the new Bowie/Prince collaboration.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:14 AM, Aug 30th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

When quietly reading a @jephjacques comic turns into spending half an hour looking up ASMR on teh internets.…

via Tweetbot for Mac