Why yes, I *am* a child of the 1980s. Why do you ask? pic.twitter.com/dGwhusvseF

Window. @GrainBarge pic.twitter.com/DFhok9JDrR

This is the Rocky Road at @AhhToots. And people wonder why I live in Bristol. pic.twitter.com/zwaYmFOLOw

That time of the night. @ Pump House, Bristol instagram.com/p/BJvn6LKgFON/

Grain Barge #igersbristol @ Grain Barge instagram.com/p/BJvjBn4glXn/

Sausage roll, Little India IPA, The Secret Agent’s Bedside Reader… @ Pump House, Bristol instagram.com/p/BJvhdkBgmtN/
@Picklechu Not sure — I’m 43.
@Picklechu I, er, don’t know who that is.

I *think* I can remember what film’s in it. instagram.com/p/BJulPlngLVB/
pattonoswalt I hope the SETI signal is the new Bowie/Prince collaboration.
When quietly reading a @jephjacques comic turns into spending half an hour looking up ASMR on teh internets. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomou…