Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 29th, 2016

@rstevens I think the packet design does a good job of telling you what you’re in for.

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@ahnlak This is the specific instance (though I was listening to the album version.)…

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@Cookwitch I wasn’t hot. No bloody idea why. *Stares at betrayer-bed harshly*

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The plaintive whalesong of a prog rock guitar break.

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@rstevens @nerdygrrl If you’re ever in the UK you may want to sample pickled onion flavour Monster Munch ;)

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@emmajanehw I get that double if I’ve also just mopped the bathroom floor and therefore can’t walk on it.

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“The piercing sweetness of a real pineapple”…

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@Bristolvor All I have done so far is failed dismally at the Times crossword and had a shower.

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That thing where you wake up at 5am and think you might as well get up.

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