@shezza_t I *just* reduced it to stubble. It’ll be back.

This really is a dispiritingly slow process. pic.twitter.com/1PReNk18zq

Yes, planning on freezing a *teensy* bit for the future. pic.twitter.com/EzfsgIONlu

Mise roughly en place. pic.twitter.com/iaAnYd3RYu
lukejerram I’m Seeking to employ Bristol based puzzlemaker/codebreaker for new ACE funded arts project. Know anyone? email me luke@lukejerram.com

New specs. Also: time for a shave and a haircut, I think. pic.twitter.com/sx2pGNoNcD
Anyway. Back home. And my car’s dents and scratches are gone. And it only cost £90. DentMagic Bristol are very good at what they do.

lilydoughball Hey @googlemaps I’m pretty sure that’s not where LPL is pic.twitter.com/E5aAvTlm6p
@RellyAB I’m a forty three year old bloke and I could probably do with that, too.
@thekarleighshow “merkin”.
@BonjourBlogger Please may I add a vote for “discrete/discreet”? People always go to pieces when they’re trying to be subtle.

@ahnlak NOW YOU TELL ME. pic.twitter.com/QUrxZZdeBK
@ahnlak I’m on one of those retail parks where it looked like the best option because it was nearest and it might rain.
The music in this McDonalds is stuff I might have enjoyed when I was twelve. Place rammed with middle-aged men, like me, hating it. Odd.
@hayles Yeah, it was definitely the direction they were trying to head in. I think I first heard of it on Tomorrow’s World!
How the Pencil Sharpened the World popularmechanics.com/technology/a21… via @PopMech
Wondering what Mondo reminded me of I finally remembered the Mondex flop. theguardian.com/money/2006/apr…
@hayles (Next time I will also make sure to bring noise-cancelling headphones.)
@hayles I wish I’d asked in advance. Still, useful to know if my car needs another trip to DentMagic.
Then again, the music is already making me want to stab plastic knives in my ears. Shazam tells me it’s Leona Lewis. It’s too damn loud.
It’s not vile. And I’d compare the McMuffin favourably to an alleged Eggs Benedict I was once served in a (now-defunct) Bristol cafe/bar.
@iamTRA if this is a 100% increase in quality, I’m glad I didn’t try the McMuffin back then. Still, I’ve had worse.

Probably the first time I’ve set foot in fifteen years… pic.twitter.com/qqoJiWLQmZ
@salisbury_matt Here’s hoping you’ll have more call today for the adjective rather than the verb.