Try as I might, it’s very hard to get past _Enterprise_’s godawful theme song.

@emmachampion6 It is pretty awful out there, though.
Hrm. Just sent back a @WildBeerCo Bibble because it did not taste good. That’s a first. Tobacco Factory normally pretty good, too.
*Tries to leave pub* *Is confronted by torrential downpour* *Returns to bar, cursing only mildly*

That sat nav they sold me must’ve been watching my driving.
@Bufty_Grifter Definitely books.
@claytoncubitt I’ll tell him you said that.
Think I may have just photo bombed some toddler’s selfie as “disapproving angry old man in pub.”
@jazzycatbristol Oh, I couldn’t. But as a clue, it begins with “tobac” and ends with “actory”. :)
@claytoncubitt A guy in the bar here told me he sometimes does that if he’s got a great idea for a tweet but it might offend some followers.
@jazzycatbristol Does your guess begin with “t”?
I thought it said “Stroud Brewery”; turns out it was “strawberry”…DI
Think I may have wandered into a kindergarten rather than a bar. *double-checks beer isn’t actually a Nesquik shake*

Hello, old friend.
@mcelhearn I’m not sure of the methodology here, given that I’m sure many genuine Trump supporters would fail a Turing test :D
@LeadHyperion It’s Friday.

bristolballoon Which special shapes are you looking forward to seeing at this year’s Fiesta? Some old favourites are coming back
People whose timeline is nothing but retweets and replies are the new comments section of the internet.
Is there a Twitter client for Windows that is exactly like the official client but has a keyboard shortcut for “Send” and no Moments tab?

Brainmage What do you mean you want a coffee? You just had one. I washed your cup & put it back. You told me it was delicious.
@talkie_tim (My cold-brew iced coffee glass kept dripping condensation in my lap #middleclassproblems)
@talkie_tim Resorted to Amazon because they weren’t in at John Lewis. They’re Bodum.…
No, Windows. I don’t want to turn on StickeyKeys. I want you to consistently recognise you’ve got a display plugged in without a reboot :(
@talkie_tim I have 300ml in each.
@paulcapper Indeed!

Doing a vaguely scientific experiment to test my new double-walked glass.