This illness is affecting me mentally a lot more than physically. Completely incapable of focusing on anything.
It is a quarter to two. So far today, I have… Erm… Got up.
@hayles How did the wife get in your PJs in the first place? #oldonesarethebestones #badumtish
…but despite that, Echofon is still the nicest, most me-like and Mac-like Twitter client, I think.
Random thought #2: The new Echofon icon is not growing on me. It looks very drab now next to Skype and iChat. The old one was lovely.
Random thought: I really like chimneys.
@csoanes I admire your attitude, sir, but I’m not sure I can emulate it. We’ll see.
@andybeebristol Yeah. It’s not too bad so far, just drained all my energy. Probably don’t feel too much different from the average Sunday :)
Ugh. Definitely ill. On plus side, just slept for ten hours straight. And looked better when I woke up than I did in my dream of being ill.