Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 9th, 2010

@zinziii Hmm. Would do, but will have to figure out how to filter my Flickr RSS feed so I don’t raise the office eyebrows reading at lunch!

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I see from @mikeotaylor the Danny MacAskill cycling video is doing the rounds again. As well it deserves to! Amazing:

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Not enough time left in the day. But actually, watching The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe might best be done during tomorrow’s snow :)

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@TheLloydClan Fair to say that my feet are furrier than normal, at least :)

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An interesting day. I think I’ve had breakfast three times.

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@zinziii I suppose I could not add you as a contact, and have a separate feed, but that just doesn’t seem right! :)

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@zinziii I use the “photos from your contacts” feed, is all, and like to read it at home and work (and have it synchronise seen/unseen…)

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@zinziii I work in a fairly conservative office! Will sort out a Yahoo Pipe or something; sure I can figure out the technology…

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@mikeotaylor Hey, these things just move in different circles… Such is the way of funky memetic thingies.

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@paulahillier Come to think of it, excellent subliminal marketing: put fattening product in a tall, skinny tin. Damn, they got me!

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@paulahillier The Waitrose hot choc in the tall skinny tin is really nice.

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@dressjunkie Yes, definitely behind-the-sofa viewing!

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@dressjunkie No. And as remakes of _War of the Worlds_ go, it was a lot better than _Independence Day_ :D

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Hmm. Just watched the Tom Cruise _War of the Worlds_. It really wasn’t that bad. Which surprised me.

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@ianmcshane Have you taken photos of it? I always take nostalgia photos of things I’m attached to that I have to get rid of.

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Unlike sodding Lloyds TSB, who are taking ten minutes to answer the phone just so I can get hold of my IBAN. Put it on the web, bastards!

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@KaveyF Never seem to get around to soup unless I’m stuck in the house. At which point am unlikely to have carrots and coriander in…

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Mmm. Glad of the ice. I’d never have got around to this tin of carrot and coriander soup if I’d felt like going out…

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@KellyJanner …but I hate the insincere scripted stuff that companies force them to do.

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@KellyJanner This really didn’t feel like that. Honest. I work in a call centre, I’m happy to cut slack for the people and always polite…

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@pjakobs I complain about my job, but our MD also hates telephone menus and refuses to use them for any of our operations, which is fab.

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And to say “have a nice day.” On the plus side, she actually _did_ have a lovely Irish accent, even with the false sincerity.

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Gah! The reason they’ve got a long queue is because they’ve clearly been scripted to ask you how your day’s going and pretend they care.

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And telling me you will answer my call as soon as possible every fifteen seconds during those ten minutes isn’t helping, Lloyds.

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Nope. Clearly no need for me to panic-buy anything. In fact, forced clear-out would be good!

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Wish every support centre were as speedy as AppleCare at answering the phone. And had such lovely Irish accents :)

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@penelopeelse I have an amphibious RC car. I’d try it on the harbour, but if it goes out of range I’d be unhappy…

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Quite enjoying Kenickie. Feel like a poppy version of Feline. Something about the strength of the vocals and the sound of the guitars.

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Right. A second coffee, then down to work. I don’t like to start Saturdays too quickly.

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@shezza_t No. In the end I slept surprisingly well. Playing nice loud music now though :)

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Fuck. Loud Upstairs Neighbours really aren’t going to shut up. Moving onto the sofa in the lounge to try sleeping again.

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…which might not be a bad name for a band. “Hey, did you see Funky Memetic Thingies supporting Portishead at Glasto?” Yeah, that works.

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