Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 27th, 2010

Holy molybdenum! Actually, forget my original point. I’d now just like to applaud my iPhone for correcting “holy moly” in such a fab way :)

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@richardgould Heh. Have lots of friends there. They threw me a party. Worked there for two or three years, so got to know a few people ;)

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@richardgould Well, it got cold again. And it was my birthday. And I went to Swindon for the weekend. Apart from that, no :)

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@DrHairbear Erm. Well, hang on: the world can’t end today. I’ve still got stuff to do!

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@teacherdude …because if nothing else, it might lower some prices.

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@teacherdude Yes, am thinking of a netbook myself. Did seem slightly foolhardy to buy one before I knew what Apple are up to, though.

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@talkie_tim Unusually, though, I didn’t feel like staying home and playing guitar until I got here.

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Damn it. Am at work. And all I really want to do today is sit at home playing the guitar.

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It strikes me that I should get in an anguished tweet about Twitter being down today _before_ Twitter goes down. I’ll be busy later.

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@Phooto Yes, seems to have recovered. Just wasn’t loading at all for about five minutes.

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I mean, I was expecting Twitter to die today, but not Flickr…

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Morning all! Is Flickr unhappy? Where’s my early morning dose of pretty?

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