@majicDave Well, http://search.twitter.co… should be the way. But I’ve never found it terribly reliable. Worth a try, though.
A brief flurry of real snow, but it didn’t last, sadly. http://twitpic.com/wrm20
@l080100 Yes, please. Can you arrange for overnight delivery?
@l080100 No problem. Have snowboarding gear personally tested to -30… Sure I can cope for a few days :D
I’m going to have to watch Trains, Planes and Automobiles just to find out why it’s become the Pavlovian cliché of snowstruck weathermen.
@hayles Join me. Summon the energy and the anger, and Fucking Do Something. We can do it!
@Jorence I’m feeling smug as I stocked up on food last night because it takes bloody ages to walk down the hill from the shops when it’s icy
@Jorence …but that was more in-case-of-mild-inconvenience buying than panic-buying :)
@Jorence ;) I’m also hoping to be snowed in so I have an excuse (and the time) to make bread!
Battling with phpbb templating
@asic69 I watched C4 news tonight. My main thought was that someone should have bought one of the poor OB weathermen a hat.
@hayles Is it arse.
@hayles I couldn’t have put it more eloquently myself. Snow near, and yet snow far.
@hayles I intend to play JJ72’s _Snow_ backwards while sacrificing a chicken. If there’s an overnight white-out, it’s all down to me.
@boagworld You are not alone. *sulks*
Must try to keep this job until at least March. The office is a lot warmer than my flat.
@dressjunkie No, it really has been THAT cold. Don’t recall Today using the phrase “the big freeze” last year, for example…
@dressjunkie this year definitely worse in Bristol, just judging by the number of times the harbour’s frozen over…
I don’t know if you’ll see the ice in this video, but you’ll probably hear it… http://bit.ly/7yye37
Found out what was wrong with contact lens. It fell in half when I took it out. No spare. Now wearing someone else’s daily disposable.
Prescription slightly different, but seems better than nothing so far. Bah.
@DrHairbear How long before you break and say something like, “Fly! Fly! On the wings of your ineptitude!”
@majicDave Ah, yes. Pseudosnot. Lovely stuff, isn’t it?
@MrsPBoutique Nope, I’m in Bristol. Ta for offer, though. Think this lens is as close as am likely to get…
Teensy bit of #uksnow bs1 1/10
@archidave You need to bump your eyes up +1EV.
Luckily, it’s actually hot in our office today rather than too cold. Didn’t need to lug my Lovely Warm Jumper in, then. Oh well.
@MrsPBoutique Yup. Still, think am better of with a close-ish lens than no lens at all. I’m -5.25 in that eye, so any help is useful…
Yeah, but if I use your left lens in my right eye, won’t everything be backwards? %)