@hayles well, that’ll be an average. And you’re not average.
@talkie_tim That’ll be toodledo.com. I find it excellent, but this sort of thing is a very personal choice, of course.
@DrHairbear Ah, fire alarms and power cuts, the great social levellers of the office environment.
Jesus! Just went into my WordPress admin interface, and _none of the plugins needed updating_. Has the world ended?
Really must cut down on my use of “woah!” in SQL code comments.
@philsherry Careful. You don’t want to get any on you.
Keyboard skills excellent today. Been getting in touch with my INNER JON again, and just goosed my SQL with a GROPE BY clause.
Home, glorious home. Now, productivity or watch a film? Hmm.
@carocleank Have to say, that’s the direction I’m leaning in, too.
@seengee What would you do if it was IE6 versus IE8?
@KaveyF Not entirely sure. I have quite a few, but they were part of a Tor books giveaway and I’m not certain of the licensing.
@Swishrelic Those sodding things are horizontal more often than they’re vertical.
@zinziii ah, that’s better. As a programmer, I couldn’t bring myself to sign up when you were at 512.
Watching Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. For the first time. Don’t remember Jack being quite so… Withnail.
@hayles Hmm. You know, strikes me that I probably shouldn’t be giving advice on that score.
@paulahillier Your love of TJ Hooker never fails to scare me.
@hayles Unfortunately, that kind of attitude can be found in any job :(
@pjakobs You have no idea how tempting it is to re-tweet that.
@pjakobs Yeah, but the big question: which method to use!?
@mikeotaylor Hear hear. Well, if having their site advertising actually giving me the heebie jeebies every time I go near it counts.