@tsunimee ah! Makes sense now. And I see why they didn’t mention the word in school French lessons :)
Will someone reboot the internet for me? It’s got those cats on it again.
@hannahnicklin my Twitter client just favourited that because he liked it so much.
@peter_hood nice one! Keep up the good work! #getrunning
*shoop* *shoop* *shoop* *de-lang-a-lang*/*shoop shoop* *shoop* *de-lang-a-lang*… Yes, it’s a song-stuck-in-my-head morning.
Hefting some big “L” glass on front of the camera today. How the heck do people carry this stuff? It’s heavier than I am!
@rabidbee Nothing thrilling so far. Also, my shoulder hurts now.
@tsunimee I got all of that apart from “chier”, which is, of course, the important bit…
It also doesn’t help that my job involves reading medical claim descriptions all day long. #hypochondriac #butAtLeastItsNeverLupus
Googled my problem. Found nothing. Spent 3 hours figuring out what was going on. Fixed it. Googled with new knowledge. Found answers.
@richardjfoster I can’t get into my Stack Overflow account. Was using an OpenID server WordPress plugin that isn’t working any more!
@richardjfoster At some point, I’ll fix the plugin. Can’t give it my time at the moment; too busy with other stuff.
@richardjfoster …only have desire to add stuff to Stack Overflow about once a month. I’m sure they can live without me for a while!
Hmm. Seem to be coming down with something. Ugh.
It is, of course, always a pleasure to see Merlin’s reviews of new Apple technology: http://bit.ly/aDeCmf
@Playleimagery Yeah. Not sure what it is I’ve got, but it’s definitely something that could turn into Something. Hmm. Hope not.