Just got a Facebook friend request from a girl I don’t know who went to my school. Someone’s confused. It was boys-only when I was there!
@benparkatbjs Well, my experience is that BT have variable customer service, but generally awesome engineers.
Huzzah! Finally cleaned the bathroom. Before all the little dustbunnies joined into a single dustmonster and ambushed me.
Understand objections, but think if women feel safe enough to go to Tesco in their nightwear at 2am, that reflects quite well on community.
Listening to Radio 4 report on people, especially women, shopping in their pyjamas. Newsagent said it reflects badly on the local community.
@ScrivenerApp As is often the case, it’s the content owners and the legalities that are causing the gyp, not the actual technology. *sigh*
@ScrivenerApp Is the Kindle still in its half-arsed UK launch where you’ve got to use the US store and pay in dollars, too?
@DrHairbear Possible. But in that case, would have expected a small accompanying explanation along with the complete name & gender change :)
@chris_j_hughes It does, but “co-educational” sounds very British to me, oddly. Sadly constrained by Twitter in this case.
…and, yes, gender is more fluid nowadays. But it’s co-ed now, and I think it’s more likely there’s been more than one Matt Gibson there :)
@benparkatbjs Can’t comment on Virgin as it’s not the post-TeleWest bit (had uniformly awful TeleWest experience.)
@floyduk How did you manage that? Still amazed after Windows that this iMac hasn’t been reinstalled since I got it, in Jan 2006…
@benparkatbjs But then that is a bit like saying that something is less bad a film than The Phantom Menace.
@benparkatbjs Hmm. Is this Virgin as in used-to-be-TeleWest Virgin? Because if so, I’d definitely say BT.
@nja I would call it the Rincewind of software wizards, but it lacks the honesty and charm.
@benjohnbarnes …but in the end, may just be gloss that distracts me from actually bloody writing ;)
@benjohnbarnes I’ll still need to try/see keyboard options. Scrivener would be awesome with touch-drag corkboard.
@AndyCarolan I love it to bits. Don’t think I could watch it while doing something else though, would just keep standing and staring at it.
Starting my afternoon off in Boston Tea Party, getting slightly high on dark-roast latte. Bzzzzzzzz!
@pjakobs Guten Morgen!
@benjohnbarnes I still think there might be an ipad-shaped hole in my computing, it’s just not the one I was hoping to fill in :)
@benjohnbarnes Oh, I’m not demeaning it; it’s just that a cheaper, lighter device that still ran Coda and Scrivener would have made my day.
@philsherry Well, I would, but you appear to be wearing a vest made of impenetrable inline styling.
@teacherdude …but seems unlikely. So, if I can’t get the apps I normally use in cafés anyway, might as well get a netbook.
@teacherdude Thinking now the apps will decide it. Use two killer apps on Mac for writing and coding. If on iPad, will compel me more.
@teacherdude yup, but of course that decreases portability and ups the cost. Looks like a lovely device, but not sure it’s for me.
Hmm. @O2 data seems very flaky this morning. No data at all for last twenty mins, though connection looks fine… Maybe just Bristol?
@teacherdude No, especially if you’re a typing-mad idiot like me and want a real keyboard.
@tsunimee I never really started. Should do, as sometimes I just want to see “Bristol”, or “photographers”, or whatever.
@lizzclare And I am still… 16 stone, 12-and-a-half. But hey, that’s still a half-stone down from when I started running. *sigh*.
Some of my faith in Google was just restored. Try searching for “recursion” and check the “Did you mean…?” result… (via @Doener)
*Yawn* *Stretch* Right, Morning Pages out of the way, and time to get moving. Suppose if I’m only doing a half-day, should get in early!
Up nice and early. Afternoon off work (hurrah!) during which I shall probably be productive, around bursts of _Dexter_.
@sean_robbins Well, I think we can all be grateful for that :) Personally, it’s pyjamas for me. This flat’s too bloody draughty for nudity!
@jcroft GPS tracking apps. I want to do other stuff while logging my journey.
@joy_james Ahh, so it’s All Your Fault. Good.
Damn it, @lovefilm, I am a customer trying to rent a DVD. This advertising is offensively intrusive. I hate it. http://twitpic.com/106ki1