Dear YouTube, when I say not to show me rubbish comments, please don’t still make me page through them looking for the rare good stuff.
Wonder if maybe the mains water pressure is down? God, we don’t need a burst water main in this weather, they normally flood the roads…
Bugger. My bath is running at about half normal speed. Hope my boiler’s not on its way out.
@technex Well, try transporting some raw eggs — might end up cooked & scrambled@zinziiiziii is lucky.
Right. Anyway. Can you tell I’ve just had coffee? Must go write my Morning Pages while it’s still morning. Twitterscope down.
@richardgould Morning!
@zinziii Mmm. Just had scrambled eggs and bacon. Although no frying involved. Good luck with that teleport :)
(PS: Sorry, that may have been TMI.)
Damn. Think the bread I ate yesterday had whatever additive it is that gives me dermatitis in it. Bah. Where’s my steroid stuff?
@hijackbristol Aha! Glad you posted that, at least I know it’s not my boiler that’s dying!
@paulahillier Heck, if you can get any decent drinks out of a motorway service coffee shop, you’re streets ahead of me!
@chris_j_hughes Also, I’ve never had a problem with Keanu, either, from Bill & Ted’s to the Matrix I’ve loved stuff he’s been in.
@chris_j_hughes I wasn’t singling out Tom Cruise as potentially spoiling it, just identifying the particular remake!
Oh, right. It’s the night where everyone on Twitter talks about a TV show I’m not watching.
@AlasdairStuart That appears to be someone else talking about Dr. Who…
@bertpalmer Maybe you could make a custom filter just for them? :)
@mattgemmell “Please press the “OK” button, as continuing to stare at this message is your only other option, and would be quite dull.”
Napped, and feeling fluffier and less headachy. Thank you, Pzizz.
Damn. Should have bought bread.
Or maybe a bloodthirst of zombies. #collectivenouns
@asic69 An implacable of Zombies? #collectivenouns
@mightymur No, I didn’t, either. The Artist’s Way is much better bang for buck, in my opinion.
I’d love it if you could switch between @echofon for Mac’s tabs with the same keyboard shortcut that works in Safari (cmd+shift+[ and ])
Ugh. Tired and headachey. Need nap.
Mmm. Much of Bristol looks back to normal now. Can’t imagine it being too bad tomorrow.
Mmm. Latte. — at Boston Tea Party, Park Street
Just met Rob & Jane, owners of the Bristol ferry boat co., out surveying the ice.
@joy_james Ah, you add a little bit of childlike magic to everything, don’t you? :D
God, I’m a sucker for Sharpe. But has now finished, so finally heading out!
Bleh. Once these contact lenses settle down, I’m off for pics around the harbourside and then to the Watershed for coffee and cake :)
@Swishrelic Ooh, like that a lot. Still not finished my first roll yet.
Yay! _The Mouse that Roared_ is on Five later. *sets video*
Correlation of the day: The higher the channel number, the more likely the adverts are to annoy me out of watching it.
@talkie_tim Michaela Strachan? What’s she in? Always used to like her as a kid.
Cool, Bristol Water actually have an updated emergency news page:
Okay, given that it sound like there are several burst water mains in #bristol, am falling back to showering quickly. Bath = luxury…