Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 13th, 2010

Right, quick shower, then it’s off to wander to work in the snow. Nice!

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Not actually that bad out. And some buses running.

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BS1 2/10 and not really building up.

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@ahnlak @marklesuk yeah, and then the news will start panic-reporting about floods, instead!

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@bexxi Solution: sell the printer for food. Or just eat the printer. But I heard they turn your tongue a funny colour.

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@CasJam Toodledo is my downright favourite. Very featureful, good support, works well.

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Bonus! Casual wear week declared at work in response to huge piles of slush in Bristol.

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@shezza_t The people often are. The corporation often isn’t.

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Right. Morning Pages time. Before I’m late for work, again…

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How come if I sit down to meditate, I can be asleep in five minutes, but lying down at bedtime it takes an hour? Huh? Huh?

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@tweeny4 Doesn’t seem to work that way, unfortunately.

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Hmm. @rentengland seem to be following me. Weren’t they the people that @mattgemmell said he’d heard were awful the other day?

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@benjohnbarnes …and even if it worked for the sleeping, it wouldn’t get much meditation done…

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@TaraBusch Weather can’t be that bad if you made it from Reading services to South Wales in less than two minutes :)

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Just set up the Automatic WordPress Backup plugin, and am now having my sites painlessly backed up to Amazon S3. Nice.

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@lizzclare Let’s hope they don’t do the same to my feet! Looks like there’s fresh snow outside to try them in *bounce*

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Anime-loving followers may enjoy this Snow-Totoro:… :)

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