A snap from my morning walk to work: http://flic.kr/p/7uaVyH
Bugger. Ferry cancelled due to iced-up harbour. Looks like I’m walking to work. Or possibly sliding.
Right. Shower time, then off to see if I can get down Hope Chapel Hill without minor mishaps such as dismemberment or death.
@Lillput Well, it’s either that or go _up_ Granby Hill and hope for a bus… Leaving now. I may be some time.
Bristol harbour frozen completely across. Seagulls standing on middle, looking smug.
And Baltic Wharf living up to its name! http://twitpic.com/x6f9h
Another 3pm finish today. Which makes me feel guilty and grateful in equal amounts, bearing in mind how it took me to struggle in…
@pjakobs I thought you just… Erm… Used something else. Literally, pick another character. Might be wrong, though.
@pjakobs Cool. Incidenally, O’Reilly’s “tortoise” book (Classic Shell Scripting?) is a good all-rounder to have on the bookshelf.
Today’s correlation: people who are very good at Excel are very bad at designing websites.
@talkie_tim Yowch. You have my sympathy. Still waiting for my own inevitable tumble.
@richardgould Cool. The black masking works nicely, too!
Yay! More #uksnow BS8 2/10
@ahnlak Well, that’s reassuring. I would hate to be eaten by anything ambiguous.
@richardgould Hmm. I’d guess… The moon? That was the last one someone else used…
@richardgould Hmmm… Snow-related? My favourite’s the mini…
@richardgould Hokay, I give up! Which one?
@KaveyF Agreed. Did you have a point there?]
@richardgould Ah! Yes, they’re very sweet. That’s probably the best picture I’ve taken of those houses; they look lovely but photo badly!
@KaveyF I can’t help but observe that you’re not actually disagreeing.
@KaveyF Huh? I was talking about the craziness! Hang on, double-take moment. A nudist club?
@KaveyF I’m not going to ask what he was wearing at the time.