Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 11th, 2010

Anyway. Pleasantly easy walk to and from work today. A bit slushy, but not actively dangerous.

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Morning all! Today’s _Basic Instructions_ is particularly good:

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@hayles *hug* Yup. One thing at a time. Or at least don’t try to tackle everything at once. Maybe pick three and work on them.

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@archidave Maybe you need to render more interesting images :)

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If anyone nips along to see the current exhibition of Clifton Rocks Railway photos at Photographique, mine’s the lightbulb one :)

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@talkie_tim Cool. Going to the private view on Thursday? (is it Thursday?) Snow depending, I’ll be there…

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British Gas bill for £160 just arrived for “Occupier”. Which is odd, as I’ve been with Southern Electric for last six years. Lovely.

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@KaveyF Do it. Doesn’t sound like it’s worth the aggro for one day a month. And someone might actually get a message they need.

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@richardgould Says on this bill that’s not mine that they’re open until 8pm tonight!

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@stevemarvell @ArryMatt Luckily, the bill’s registered to a different meter number from mine, which turns out to the top floor.

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…so, _hopefully_ sorted. BG answered the phone fast and have put copious notes on the system, at least. *crosses fingers*

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Quittling (n): Unsettled feeling you get when you hit the Quit key and realise the app you were looking at wasn’t the one with input focus.

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Ugh. Could go to bed right now, but should probably drag myself through a weekly review first.

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Hmm. Kenickie sound like a British Hole every now and again. In a good way.

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…but I really must stop getting into bands who have already split up. Not very forward looking, and makes getting to gigs hard.

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@bexxi One of many of my mum’s favourite musicians that I never got into. Oddly, though, I still have a soft spot for Neil Diamond.

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@KaveyF Wow! Don’t remember seeing any of your dining room floor before! *ducks*

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@rabidbee Didn’t even know what she looked like until just now. A lot of music has passed me by in the last fifteen years…

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@asic69 No, that was just a very wide pile of magazines with a carpet on top.

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boagworld - Possibly the best headline ever. Genius pun.

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@rabidbee Might have, but I wouldn’t have known who she was. Never seen the Culture Show. I don’t watch much telly.

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Rrrright. Bedtime, methinks.

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