Just got waylaid by a tweet and spent ten minutes on Wikipedia looking up Pelican, Puffin, Toucan, Zebra, Panda and Pegasus crossings! Gah!
Where the suffling buggery did I put my hot water bottle?
@seengee GPL-compatible is required if you want to be in the plugin directory.
Oh, yeah: should probably have dinner. Erm. How’d it get to be 9pm?
twincompatible (adj): Twitter incompatible. Used to describe people who’d like each other in reality, but don’t get on in 140-char bursts.
@hayles I will make one in your honour, if that helps?
@hayles Sorry. Made hot chocolate in your honour instead. You’ll be glad to know it’s yummy.
@JasonBradbury Ta for the mention! @benjohnbarnes (who wrote Get Running) is snowboarding, but I’ll let him know we have a happy customer!
Morning all! Stupidly had coffee which kept me up until the small hours, so I’ve only just started carpeing the diem…
@paulahillier Except that yesterday was a write-off because of tiredness and headache, so have twice as much to do! Gah!
@hannahnicklin Good to know. Moon is my current LoveFilm loan; not watched it yet, though. Heard many good things.
@jacrats Well, it had better. Otherwise you’ll have to buy a piano.
@paulahillier So, if I’d bothered trying to spend these John Lewis vouchers, I might have wasted the day anyway? Good to know, I suppose…
Apologies to all, but yes: the #getrunning tweets are back. I’ll try to limit it to those times I’ve actually been running! Like just now :)
Listening to the latest @boagworld podcast. Really could listen to @boagworld and @marcus67 for hours.
@KellyJanner Heh. It’s educational! It’s a time-vampire! It’s Wikipedia! Yay!
@technex Just bear in mind that the UPS will probably beep its head off when the power goes off, thus waking you at 2am instead.
Now, is there any way of actually making myself focus for more than three minutes today? Hmm. Twitter probably isn’t helping…
…but before I go, here’s the one photo I’ve taken today: http://flic.kr/p/7wjLmc
@richardgould If you ever find someone who isn’t, please pat them on the back from me.
Okay. Clearly I’m not in a tidying the flat mood. Maybe I’m in a coding mood.
@tsunimee Well, the coding seems to be sticking. We’ll see.
@Scriblit They will either be in the pocket you’ve checked eight times, or the front door. Or possibly your dressing gown.