@ahnlak Never even considered calling my ISP. Not the first thing I think of when I don’t even have a dialling tone…
Can anyone recommend an iPhone game you can play while lying on your back? Seriously!
@hayles gah! Great idea, but apparently it’s more than 10Mb. No ADSL, no download. Damn.
@hayles But yes, will have to get that when I’m better connected. Ta!
@hayles Yeah, no idea how I missed that entire promo. Christmas stresses me too much, I guess.
@shezza_t @OpinionatedGeek Ta. Never understood Sudoku appeal but will have shufti at Risk.
@hayles Hrm. So, like dropbox.com only with physical media? Think I saw a stick that came with something like that bundled, once. Erm.
@hayles Sorry, my memory seems to have failed.
RT @hayles: is there some sort of free software that will sync certain folders, etc to a memory stick, working on Mac and Windows?
@hayles Love dropbox because the stuff is still there locally when the cloud goes away, but yeah, doesn’t help if it’s not online at all…
…or at the right times. I’ll see if my memory kicks in. My memory is much rubbisher without a broadband connection to help it out :)
@Playleimagery If you say so!
Right. Going to take advantage of lack of phone & broadband, and watch _Moon_. Hurrah for ol’ fashioned DVDs!
@chris_j_hughes …and we have a winner! Geodefense it is!
@serafinowicz Depends. Are my other options paying more or building my own plane?
Bleh. Headachey. Running late. Firefox being rubbish. Bleh.
@Infadels Oh, come on. Who _doesn’t_ have a thing for @caitlinmoran?
@mistymaria *hug* it is heading in the right direction now, at least.
@laurashav Search for them wisely/In both Spring coat and Winter/The seasons confuse.
@Infadels *giggle*
@dressjunkie Hurrah!
When am I going to learn that when I eat at my desk, sandwiches consisting mainly of grated cheese are a really bad choice? #squishykeyboard
@scottejames In that case, you were probably carrying the poles wrong.
@paulahillier Good question. Just wasn’t paying enough attention, and it crept up on me before I noticed. Still, was a good day.
@talkie_tim “Are we there yet, Dad?”
“Don’t make me fetch the sky marshall again, Master Navigator.”
Oh, fab. Have no phone/ADSL at home. Not even a dial tone. BT say problem at exchange and an engineer will be allocated on Monday.
On the plus side, one of my photos has just been used in a French book on the motorcycle in society, apparently. Strange, but true.