Friends have thrown pirate party for me! Arrrr!
@Phooto Must be v. dangerous there, bearing in mind the dopiness of one’s actions is directly related to the number of cameras around.
@gary8345 @asic69 A deserved break, people :) Would be there if it didn’t clash with plans today. Hope it’s going well.
@Playleimagery I can absolutely see the appeal. Just doesn’t seem to work for me, even the best stuff. More Morrissey than Marmite, for me!
@BTCare Thanks, done.
I’m going to have to stop having lunch at lunchtime. Far too many damn people. #misanthropy
@TaraBusch So, that’s basically a commando-style neti pot? A few people I know swear by those things…
Ooooohoooh. A shell prompt for your browser, basically. Quix.
@Playleimagery I think I may have seen it. But I never got the hang of anime, unfortunately.