Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 4th, 2023

@KYPBristol It does look suspiciously Demerara-ish, doesn’t it?

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@robsmallshire Sounds like we’re heading for a Columbo-style “accident”…

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@stillawake @AlexH4rtley @PatDBMcAllister @RachelReevesMP @AniST I was similarly surprised when the hustings for Hotwells & Harbourside were held at Hotwells Primary School, opposite me, and remembered that neither my flat nor Hotwells Primary are in the Hotwells & Harbourside ward…

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martr101 look how many trees were lost at when Metrobus was built. Now the council is applying NOT to replace the £40,000 plus of trees that were obligated by the 2014 Metrobus planning consent. Council remains in breach of conditions 22/05943/X

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@martr101 @StephenGibert @Glutenfreescone We applied last year for simple like-for-like permission to *repair* our Grade II* listed house. Not even been assigned to anyone yet. I don’t think they have the resources for the most basic things, let alone enforcement.

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