Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 5th, 2023

@Kavey Yes! Dim sum or somewhere not too pricey; my Cambridge trip was expensive, vintage bargains notwithstanding ;)

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@Kavey (My determination to stop anywhere *other* than a sodding motorway services continues to pay off!)

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@Kavey Stopped in Northampton’s Vintage Retreat on the way back from Cambridge. Not only do they have a lovely art deco tearoom they also provided most of this setup for a very good price šŸ˜€

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Oh, you know, just chilling out on a Sunday afternoon. (No, *you’ve* been reading too much Jeeves and Wooster and watching too much of the Maury Chaykin Nero Wolfe adaptation and got overexcited.)

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philsturgeon Anyone want to see inside the Godzilla rhododendron?ā€¦

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:17 AM, Mar 5th, 2023 via Twitter Web App)

That’ll do.

Wordle 624 3/6


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