Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 2nd, 2008

@johnfbraun *You* can stop yourself. Have some pride, man.

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Too much stuff to do tonight to go to Flickr meet, unfortunately. Plus, only just got _home_ from Victoria Street!

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@floyduk okay, you’re officially the kabillionth person to recommend 1passwd to me. Will try it right now.

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Considering feigning death as a meeting-avoidance strategy.

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Just off to dire two-hour business briefing. Wake me up at 4.

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@russelldavies Ta for blong on patina t’other day. Just chatting about design to a cafe owner; have pointed him in your general direction :)

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@bobscape the finest defence against hackers: more coffee.

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My pic of the increasingly well-known Bristol FAILBOAT:

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@talkie_tim Aww. I did want to come. But at least I’ve finished a ton of paperwork and caught up on my email (again!) *sigh*

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@ryanCoates Word couldn’t even spell “liaise” right until later versions. Not surprised it has trouble with “hyperthermic”

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Ow! Who redesigned the new BT website? It’s awful. And they can’t spell. I actually double-checked to make sure it wasn’t a phishing site.

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@johnfbraun And I believe that every aeroplane should have an emergency chute. I just don’t want to use it.

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