Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 16th, 2008

@bobbyllew I was at Glastonbury the year they accidentally turned one of those poo-sucker trucks to “blow”. Beware!

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Ill. Taking day off work. Doubt I’ll be well enough for Greek lesson tonight. Bugger.

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Gah. Just sent “sorry, I won’t be coming to the lesson today” email to my Greek teacher (in Greek.) Took half an hour.

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Heh. “Microsoft announces 20 editions of Windows 7”

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Time for lemsip and a bath. Then I might feel good enough to go buy some lunch. Should have prepared for sick day last night!

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Enjoying @russelldavies’ thoughts on urban spam: “living in Bladerunner brought to you by Cillit Bang would be horrible”

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@boagworld Curse you for putting cheese & chutney in my head just before lunch. Maybe sore throat will still put me off the calories…

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Finally have the energy to drag myself up the hill to eat. May also buy chicken soup for dinner.

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Anyone else having problems accessing Site seems almost there, but not quite.

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@DaveHamilton In some areas, they’re better investments than high-interest savings accounts :(

via Twitter Web Client in reply to DaveHamilton - Somerfield are selling “Perfect for Christmas” cupcakes at 50% off. Because the best-before date is _today_.

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@JockotheRocks Feeling very random today. Often do when I’m ill. I’m quite scattered at the best of times…

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@hackery all computer costs are higher in Ireland because of the extra work needed to escape the apostrophes in the surnames.

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Upgraded Mediawiki and Wordpress to latest versions. Good day for low-energy chores that involve lots of tea-break (ftp-ing) time.

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@johnfbraun Alpha? You’re saying @RandomMaccess is highly unstable and should only be released to a limited audience?

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Just realised that an HTML table was the appropriate design solution for my problem. So used to avoiding them I’d forgotten they existed!

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