Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 10th, 2008 - All the client-side stuff is there! That’s one of the reasons I’m impatient for the servers to be back up :)

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@Phooto I came home to find a funky little dialogue box open on my iMac with a MobileMe logo announcing the change and telling me to update!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Phooto

@boagworld Never mind, just put that on your “to do” list for later :)

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@Phooto Hey,they didn’t tell me that… They just pushed a software update to my Mac that told me .Mac was now MobileMe and I should update!

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Tired of sitting there reloading your page until Twitter is back up? Try sitting there reloading your page until MobileMe is back up instead

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Hmm. So, on my iMac, Software Update sees a new iTunes and MobileMe. On the MacBook, it just sees iTunes. And the .Mac website is down. Joy.

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Uh oh. .Mac is now MobileMe. Bearing in mind how much .Mac sometimes made me want to cry and throw Macs out of windows, I’m scared of change

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