Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 19th, 2008

One for the iPhone-owning photographers from LifeHacker: Take Psychadelic Pictures With Your iPhone:

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Got into a state where I can leave it for a bit & come back to it later for final touches. My first hand-coded site!

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@boagworld Not as dodgy as bunking out in a hangar with a forest of teenagers :)

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Going to try to defeat my afternoon tiredness by the cunning expedient of taking a nap.

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Ahh, UI design. My new DVD player’s remote control has 48 buttons. I wonder how many years it’ll be before I’ve used as many as ten of them.

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Gah! Why do I have so much trouble clicking links in @Twitterrific? I don’t want to select odd combinations of text, just go to a web page.

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Erm. Shedloads of my photos appear to be missing from Flickr. Pages still there, images 404. Hope that’s just a glitch

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Ooh! An Enigma kit! Sure, made of cardboard tube, only simulates three rotors, and no plugboard, but how much security does 7 year old need?

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I love Maplin. Already seen three products I didn’t know existed but now desire.

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Right. Time to stop fiddling with personal website and go get car washed and buy replacement DVD player.

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@spamvictim A first-time graphic novel reader who’s not starting with Watchmen? That’s rare :)

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@Ihnatko Oh, and, yeah, change the DB user/pass in wp-config.php if necessary.

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@Ihnatko 1) Get copy of files and DB. 2) Grep DB script for old hostname, replace with new one. 3) Shove files and DB at new server. 4) Pray

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@ryancarson “Up pacifying Jackson”? Sounds like a log entry from a steely-eyed New York cop.

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