Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 11th, 2008

So, I logged off and on again. Plus side: my iDisk icon is now a pretty purple disk with a cloud on it. Minus side: all my files are gone.

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Damn you, Apple! I was using that!

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Oh, heck. Where did all the data on my iDisk go?

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Still waiting for MobileMe software update for the MacBook. Hope syncing between machines on MobileMe and machines on .Mac doesn’t hurt ‘em.

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Mixing telcos with Apple is mixing sewage with wine. Even if it’s just a drop of telco you add, you still end up with a barrel of sewage.

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Hey, @bexxi, if you do get double the number of hours in your day, then I’ve got some jobs here that you could give me a hand with :-)

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