Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 29th, 2011

@mhoulden All your licence fee are belong to me.

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@hayles The BBC web sites went shopping with you, it seems.

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@codepo8 I do fear that <MARQUEE> 2.0 may be approaching… :)

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Who said GoDaddy were crap? I just bought for $1.99.

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@thomasvenables Nah. Frank Spencer or the Daleks, that’s my bet.

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@BlackDogDays Yes, good idea. Night!

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.@Swishrelic They could have at least played the national anthem before switching it off.

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My current mental image: Frank Spencer in a BBC server room, severed cable in hand.

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@SaliWho Luckily I’m in Bristol. The only place I *can* run is the hills.

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RellyAB I know the BBC are trying to ‘free up’ some top-level domains but this might be throwing the baby out with the bathwater, I think.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:59 PM, Mar 29th, 2011 via Twitter for iPhone)

@benjohnbarnes and run on self-hosted WordPress installs. Have no contacts, though. Talk in morning?

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@Jorence If I want to be particularly kind to my feet, my best plan would be to lose 5 stone, sadly :(

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@Jorence Tried five different ones on treadmill in Moti. Wave Inspire close to Nikes for anticackfootedness effect; Muzunos more comfy.

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@Lillput @xabl Ooh, controversy. My casting vote is likely to go Adam Ant’s way, though. Will always cut slack for inspiring musicians.

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@Jorence Being cackfooted (I believe the actual term is “over-pronating”) I rock a Wave Inspire 6 at the mo.

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@Jorence Oooh. What’ve you got? Probs time for me to buy the next Mizunos along soon…

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@getrunningapp Well, personally, I’m going to join in! But it seemed like a party you might be able to bring something to ;)

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@xabl What!? Adam Ant is doing On The Ropes? *dashes to computer*

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RT @brianlayman: Automattic’s Worldwide WP 5k: <— Cool! (Attention @getrunningapp!)

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@R2UK I still say they’re “iPads 2”. Just as the laptops are “MacBooks Pro”. :)

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@leigh Goodness. Do you know anyone from the eighties? Maybe you can borrow their 286.

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@BinaryDad If I knew how to stop after two, I’d remember the answer to that question.

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@BlackDogDays Personally I’m going for beer and an NCIS I’ve seen before.

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@tsunimee Hmm. Time for a mnemonic, maybe? “FoWl have Wings”?

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bigmediumjosh My favorite city never looked so good. Time-lapse film of Paris, built from 2000 still photos. Gorgeous:

via Hatch (retweeted on 9:05 PM, Mar 29th, 2011 via Twitter for iPhone)

@Dru_Marland @talkie_tim I love the detail these things go into. There’s a small section expounding the futility of banning rollerbladers…

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@talkie_tim Yes, I generally go with the “steam gives way to sail” rule. I wonder if he does that with everyone?

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@brianlayman And… there we go. Back at a computer, got it within seconds. Although it’s helpful I have a multisite install to hand :)

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@BlackDogDays I haven’t achieved such heights of experimentation, though. It’s only recently I found out there are *any* nuts I like.

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Thanks for the pedestrian/cyclist interaction reassurance, folks. Of course, I’ll go back tomorrow and see the new KEEP LEFT signs now…

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@BlackDogDays Spunds like a good substitute for cashews, which I hate.

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@archidave I’m paranoid anyway, otherwise I wouldn’t have asked. Fully expected to have missed a huge Big Society “Keep Left” campaign.

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…says, “I’m keeping to the left.” Looks at me like I’m a moron. Am I a moron?

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Q: Walking to extreme right of Pero’s Bridge. Space to left. Cyclist rides directly at me from other direction, stops, blocking me…

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@brianlayman This is the thing about questions like this: in front of the computer, I’d be there in two mins. On “paper”, different story.

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@brianlayman Well, to be fair to myself, the first thing I’d have checked would have been the column type.

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@brianlayman That’s the first question? Well, I’ve failed, then.

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@sazzy *but only in cultures known to have had exposure to David Jason.

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@R2UK @ahnlak 3 texted before the last time I incurred extra charges with them. They texted my 3G dongle. Which couldn’t read texts.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to therutharnold

@R2UK @ahnlak …and my default position *before* then was that phone companies are generally shady organisations who are out to clip you.

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@ahnlak @r2uk …bear in mind that I’m probably rather more paranoid since Vodafone charged me £800 extra one month for using data abroad!

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@ahnlak @r2uk I average around 500MB. Just don’t like the worry of suddenly being charged feckloads if I accidentally breach a limit.

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@bexxi Really? *hug*. Did I miss a disturbance in the Tworce?

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EBOSS: Unexpected end of lunchtime.

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@tsunimee I know when I’m too heavy because I have to go to Marks and Spencer rather than Debenhams!

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@archidave *cries* Actually, that’s probably better than some of the offers I’ve had.

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FFS. It’s getting so I can’t say anything on Twitter without some sodding spambot flinging its excrement at me.

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@tsunimee Yes. That (hopefully) temporary phase…

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@tsunimee I’m dieting at the mo, but I’m going to have to buy a few new clothes in the meantime :(

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@R2UK Good to know, ta. My 3GS is definitely getting a bit ragged around the edges :)

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@R2UK But now I’m crippled with fear that if I do anything at all to my plan (including anything involving buying an iPhone 4) I’ll lose it.

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@R2UK Seems bloody expensive, bearing in mind I can get 5GB for £15/month with a Mi-Fi. Hrm. I want my unlimited plan to carry on, damn it!

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@archidave I was starting with rough. I like rough.

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@archidave I was in fantasy-land, making a playlist of singers sorted by voice roughness :)

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@archidave Mornin’! *waves belatedly*

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