Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 2nd, 2011

RT@codepo8: Installing every windows (upgrading to the next version) on the same PC <— memories here

via Twitter for Mac

@canofpopcom There’s always Glastonbury. Even I don’t feel old there.

via Echofon in reply to canofpopcom

@rudytheelder Oh yeah. I remember watching it live, first broadcast. Excellent viewing for a geek of an impressionable age :)

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As soon as I was reminded that Max Headroom’s lovely controller was called Theora, I immediately knew Ogg Theora was named for her…

via Echofon

Due to a random tweet by @rudytheelder ealier on, I am now watching the original Max Headroom film while programming.

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@mattgemmell Yeah, yeah. You can protest your innocence until you’re blue in the… Hang on. I’m not sure I want to finish that sentence.

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@andybeebristol Ah, good, you’ve reminded me to get the CD out of my bag :) Need to rip it tonight so it’s ready for a listen in the morning

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@tsunimee @KaveyF Or at least said “TA-DAA!” and bowed.

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You know, I sometimes miss the days when you found out about stuff in one coherent report the morning after it happened.

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@Pockless Not heard it yet; it arrived at work on CD. Probably listen tomorrow on walk to work to give new earbuds a proper workout :)

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@talkie_tim @Nose_in_a_book @SpikyZebra You’d have a whole bookcase just for “it was…”

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@Nose_in_a_book @SpikyZebra Visual memory can be a great key. Plus mine are all on LibraryThing so I can look up the jacket colours ;)

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@SpikyZebra @Nose_in_a_book Hah! You know, if I had the time, I might really try that, it’d be more logical than the order mine are in now!

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@Nose_in_a_book By spine colour looks pretty cool :)

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@Pockless Worse? I remain skeptical. We shall have to see.

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@Pockless Really? Okaaaay. As long as it’s not another “featuring Thom Yorke” like that one that annoyed me on Stories…

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The new PJ Harvey album just arrived :)

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Oh, so it’s going to be one of _those_ days in the office, is it?…

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Symfony2 experience so far: You are in a maze of twisty classes, all with a single line of actual code. You have been eaten by a grue.

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Bristol people: if you’ve not left the house yet, consider another layer, or at least a scarf.

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