Right. Anyway. Bedtime, for lo! I have much to do this weekend, and sleeping would probably be a good start.
@hayles If you thought you could get away with it now, you’d do it again, wouldn’t you? BAD HAYLEY.
@hayles BAD HAYLEY.
@hayles *giggle*
@hayles We love you too, dear. Now, it may be wise to drink some water before bed. #justsayin’
@BlackDogDays ?
@BlackDogDays I may know that feeling :) yfrog.com/gzuiidyj
@2MuchApplePie Remember seeing that happen in the original Max Headroom film. Amazing how much satire has turned into reality in my lifetime
@mikedunn Either that or by playing Rick Astley at you.
@mikedunn Well, by the looks of it, the recording industry are now allowed to electrocute illegal downloaders through their headphones.
Strummin’ mah gee-tar.
fiddling about with justin.tv. http://j-tv.me/hcz8MJ
Reading about Sian O’Callaghan. With perspective of someone who’s poured more than one girl into a Swindon taxi, assuming she’ll get home OK
@rabidbee *puts Start The Bus on list of places to go*
@hayles Posterous?
@hayles Personally, I’m enjoying Banrock Station Shiraz, and The Professionals. Possibly our tastes are parallel, rather than compatible :)
@magickalrealism Scrivener for Windows public beta seems pretty stable. Not long to wait for a full official release, I’m sure…
@magickalrealism I use Scrivener for that sort of thing.
Is there a new version of Cluedo out? yfrog.com/hsonguzj
@benjohnbarnes I don’t actually know what that is. Though I’ve heard people mention them. #unhip
Roofline @ University of Bristol Students’ Union http://instagr.am/p/Ch0q…
@BlackDogDays I couldn’t possibly comment. #yes
@KaveyF Yowch. Arse.
@KaveyF What? You returned the car? What did I miss?
@BlackDogDays Aww, shucks *blush*.
My friend Mike is apparently currently in the queue for a certain shiny new device.
I love the bendy-towered Temple Church @ Temple Gardens http://instagr.am/p/Chf7…
@DanRebellato Is there a middle-class injury of the year award?
Just posted a photo @ Canon’s Marsh http://instagr.am/p/ChJu…
Hmm. Guess the boat went ten minutes early today. Oh well, nice day for a walk.