If I worry any more about whether I’ve bought “a bathroom scale” or “a set of bathroom scales”, I’m going to give up on this review entirely
stewarttownsend RT @mikebutcher: Scariest Tsunami video yet. 1st person view as a town goes in 6 mins. http://bit.ly/h80nZm via @Percival <jesus….
@DrHairbear Ooooh! Bonkers shouty man! I love bonkers shouty man. Though the plots have been increasingly implausible with every season…
@Harkaway Incidentally, in case you hadn’t seen it, best analysis yet: http://bit.ly/hr7Fbx
@R2UK Bloody confusopolies!
Okay. I just spent half an hour fiddling around rather than going out for a jog. Time to crowbar myself out of the door.
@BaristasBristol Yes. “Different” is the word for a lot of things First Great Western do…
@R2UK I just tried to find out from the website. And remembered why I hate phone company websites.
RellyAB Finally, I’ve read something smart and reassuring about Japan’s nuclear incident: bit.ly/i10qb3
(via a bunch of people)
@R2UK I use maybe 1-2Gb/month these days — and I always imagine mobile networks’ overage charges are extortionate.
@BlackDogDays @parryphernalia If you see a fat bloke jogging past, that’ll probably be me.
@R2UK So, looks like I was right just to carry on paying £15/month for 5Gb on my Mi-Fi rather than add iPhone tethering on O2? Pricey!
@Jorence @BlackDogDays @RamonY1970 To be fair, that’s only because it’s hard to do from a basement flat a quarter of a mile away.
Listening to Science Friday on NPR. Never figured out why it’s on on Sunday in the UK, but it’s a good alternative to the Morning Service :)
@alexjbutcher The man talks a lot of sense.
Ooooh, triple shot using coffee beans from @BaristasBristol. *eyes open wide like rollerblinds being pulled* *flapflapflap*
@BlackDogDays It’s nice to have an impulse to welcome new people to the harbour. Just a bit surprised by your methodology :) @RamonY1970
Enjoying reading MMS on the modern sense of entitlement to free cheese: http://michaelmarshallsm…
@BlackDogDays !?