@BlackDogDays Got it! I was on BBC news channel; forgot I’d switched earlier! D’oh.
I think I have now switched to Masterchef from The Apprentice. Because it’s basically the same show, only with people who have reflections.
@LegalWeasel Aaah! I’d have to have a black one, as my interest in them stems from Adam Hall’s _Quiller_ novels, and Quiller’s was black…
@LegalWeasel (I feel like I’m missing something here…)
@LegalWeasel Erm… Any particular reason?
@LegalWeasel Is it?
Holy *moly*. Jensen Interceptor II in amazing condition. yfrog.com/h79dqtij
@VeraR2010 Lovely! Flat routes, hilly routes, waterside stuff, lots of greenery. Here’s a bit of today’s run: yfrog.com/gyhlzbnj
Okay. Have Written Stuff. Now out for a jog. And lunch.
@littleWinter @bexxi @arlinelyons The momentum is building. Have showered, put laundry on and donned jogging gear. Maybe I’ll even jog soon!
So, out of my big list of things I need to do today, so far, I’ve, erm… Got up.
@KaveyF Although, apparently, it was probably actually a tiny bit *bigger* later on! Odd. http://bit.ly/flcfb9
@KaveyF Oh yes.