Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 12th, 2011

Randomly turned on Live at the Apollo. There’s an impressionist I don’t actually hate. Maybe it *is* just Rory Bremner.

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@stillawake I’ll have to try those next time :)

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@nineweeks Mmm. Good food. First time for me.

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In Myristica, post-duck, awaiting coffee :)

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@misslo It can be harder on the muscles, but I find it easier on the brain! Once you’re more used to it I think you’ll enjoy it, honest! :)

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@misslo Sometimes you can just have a rubbish run no matter what. Maybe drop back a week and have another go at week 6 outdoors?

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@Mouse_House Know what you mean. Still, didn’t notice any reversal (eeew!) when quitting. :) Ta :)

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@Mouse_House Not in my experience. PS: I quit about five years ago. It gets easier, honest.

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@alkalinemouse Alt-3, in case you didn’t find it yet :)

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Hrm. Hope I’ve got a booking for Myristica tonight. It was hard to tell..

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@Harkaway Doubt it. Very unlikely to be any worse than Windscale in the worst case, by the sounds of things. Not enough info yet, though.

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@AndyCarolan British Red Cross now seems to have option for Tsunami Appeal —….

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Hmm. Today’s Radio 4 play features a band of Spanish rebels, apparently led by a Welsh pirate.

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@penelopeelse How does that turn out? Oh, wait, that’s precognition, not telepathy, isn’t it.

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ElliottClarkson I have no idea who this man is, but he’s my new hero.

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Jesus. Really shouldn’t have been watching clips from the original _Edge of Darkness_ last night, before waking up to today’s news.

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@ahnlak And thank you for reminding me; will have to add that to my review.

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@ahnlak Yes. But not *that* much more than for a high-end weight and fat percentage measuring scale.

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@ahnlak …and I’ve also added a widget on http://mattgetsrunning.c… too. And there’s an easy-looking API. It’s very shareable.

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@indiaknight What? Did someone mention fishnets? *wakes up*

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@StJamesPT Aye, lad, I’ll be skinny as a whippet ‘fore long.

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@StJamesPT It’s just a shame there doesn’t seem to be a manual way of setting your location. Think that would be an obvious answer.

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@StJamesPT I always thought they were in Finchley (it’s Demon…)

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@StJamesPT Have posted in the forums; we’ll see what happens. Heck, I’m a geek and they have an API, worst-case I’ll write my own tweets!

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@StJamesPT It doesn’t have a GPS. Guessing it tries to do IP-to-location lookup. Which is why it’s desperately inaccurate…

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@StJamesPT No obvious setting for it (, and other people have complained in the forums. Guessing not.

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@StJamesPT (Full review to come in a couple of days!)

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@StJamesPT In terms of the actual weighing and syncing, it’s excellent.

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@StJamesPT Not bad, overall. Don’t like it that it adds location data to tweets without asking you. But it put me in Yorkshire anyway!

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@bexxi Yup ;) Review to follow! And don’t worry, I’ve set it to only tweet once a week. If it gets too annoying, I’ll turn it off…

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My weight: 17:11.2 stlb. Weighin’ in.

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